Slashdot points toward a harrowing story of TSA and FBI hijinks involving Aditya Mukerjee. Though not Muslim, Mukerjee had trouble flying JetBlue during Ramadan. The whole thing is straight outta Kafka.
"You can't leave here." "Are you detaining me, then?" I've been through enough "know your rights" training to know how to handle police searches; however, TSA agents are not law enforcement officials. Technically, they don't even have the right to detain you against your will. "We're not detaining you. You just can't leave." My jaw dropped. "Either you're detaining me, or I'm free to go. Which one is it?" I asked. He glanced for a moment at my backpack, then snatched it out of the conveyor belt. "Okay," he said. "You can leave, but I'm keeping your bag."