The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza offers four reasons and legal blogger Ann Althouse offers four different ones:
Althouse writes:
Cillizza came up with: 1. It revs up the base… 2. It's a way to get at Hillary… 3. It's who Rand is… 4. It's personal…. Before reading those reasons — which are detailed at the link — I set a goal for myself to come up with 4 more reasons. Off the top of my head, here: 1. He believes in the principle of workplace equality and is dismayed at how predatory individuals seeking personal sexual pleasure have disrupted the meritocracy that should prevail. 2. Someone on the Republican side needs to be able to counter the "war on women" propaganda of the Democrats, and no one else seems to have the guts or skill to do it properly. 3. He dislikes the idea that the distinction of first female President should go to a woman who leveraged her power through a male who she knew was taking advantage of women. 4. He knows that if the Democrats had material like this to use against a Republican candidate, they would have no mercy.