With Libertarians making more and more headlines these days, there is a noticeable uptick in people either trying to smother libertarianism before it grows any further, or to simply express some proactive curiosity about how all this l-stuff works. I spent a lot of time on the airwaves this past week responding to both genres of query, and some of those exchanges left a digital footprint.
First up is a bit Rand Corporation scaremongering about how legal pot is some kind of scam by rich, nonsmoking liberals to keep the poor in their place. This was treated with the derision it deserved on Monday's episode of the great Fox Business Network program Kennedy:
Next is the first half of a TWO-HOUR interview I did this morning with libertarian-leaning host Scott Barger on WRTA 1240 AM's Two Way Radio program, in which we mostly chewed on libertarianism writ large:
I was asked even more what-is-libertarianism/Reason questions live from the New York Stock Exchange one week ago by a new outfit called Cheddar TV, which has been described as "the CNBC for Millennials." You can watch that segment by starting a free trial at this link.
Later that day I talked about Gary Johnson, third parties, and my dirty hippie past on The Buck Sexton Show (yes, that's the same pornstar-named ex-CIA fella who joined the drunken revelry on The Fifth Column this week).
And what the hell, if we're being completist, here's a snippet of my conversation about the alt-right Tuesday with political journalist Michael Tracey, when I was guest-hosting on SiriusXM Insight channel 121's Tell Me Everything With John Fugelsang: