Fridays are theme-show nights chez Independents, so tonight's was a no-brainer. I MEAN YES-EAT-BRAINS-ER, amirite?

On Fox Business Network at 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT (with repeats three and five hours later), you will be treated to:
* Daniel Drezner, author of Theories of International Politics and Zombies, on how various schools of American foreign policy thought are equipped to combat the triple-threat of zombies, Ebola, and ISIS.
* Timothy Sandefur, principal attorney of the Pacific Legal Foundation, on the surprising legal, regulatory, and jurisprudential treatment of haunted houses, psychics, and cannibals.
* Steve Gonzalves, star of the paranormal-investigative reality series Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters Academy, on his elusive search for a wandering spirit.
* Benjamin Radford, contributor and deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, on why claims of the paranormal should be treated with a raised eyebrow or three.
* Party Panelists Michael Malice (n'er-do-well) and Jimmy Failla (comedian) on Halloween urban legends, appropriate/inappropriate costumes, and important Hallow's Eve trivia.
* Kmele Foster losing his shizz in a haunted house (pictured).
No better way to come down after a night of drinking blood than watching your favorite weirdos make merriment and at least some public policy out of Halloween night on the television!
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