Washington, D.C. "is basically a parasitic economy," says author and Weekly Standard Senior Editor Andrew Ferguson. "It sucks up the money from the rest of the country and puts people to work here."
In a recent Time magazine article titled "Bubble on the Potomac," Ferguson argues that D.C.-area residents are growing ever richer at the expense of the rest of the country, which has created a cultural disconnect that results in bad laws.
Ferguson sat down with ReasonTV Correspondent Kennedy to discuss his article, and the various ways in which D.C.'s riches are hurting the nation.
Ferguson is also the author of Crazy U: One Dad's Crash Course in Getting His Kid Into College and Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America. For more on those books and the author, visit http://www.andrewfergusonbooks.com/ .
Approximately 4:50 minutes.
Camera by Jim Epstein, Meredith Bragg and Joshua Swain. Produced by Bragg.
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In 2011 Reason's Nick Gillespie interviewed Ferguson and his son, Gillam, about Crazy U.