Trillion dollar war budgets, endless surveillance, the TSA, the Patriot Act: all in the name of the mortal, mortal, really very seriously mortal, threat of terrorism on the homeland.
John Glaser at looks at the latest sobering death-by-terror data:
According to the State Department a mere 10 Americans were killed by terrorism in 2012. None of them in the U.S. U.S. citizens worldwide killed as a result of incidents of terrorism: 10 U.S. citizens worldwide injured as a result of incidents of terrorism: 2 U.S. citizens worldwide kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism: 3 Nine out of 10 of those killed were in Afghanistan, the remaining one in Iraq. One of the injured was in Afghanistan, the other in Iraq. The three instances of a single person being kidnapped occurred in Nigeria, Somalia, and Yemen.
I don't think I've ever been more tempted to end a post with a rousing "Wake Up Sheeple!" But I'll refrain.