Credit: World Economic Forum / / CC BY-NC-SA
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan continues his charm offensive by comparing the protesters who are fed up with his authoritarian regime to terrorists.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered lower courts in Texas to review six death penalty cases to determine whether their defense attorneys truly put up a good fight.
As Pfc. Bradley Manning's trial finally begins after years, the prosecutor opened by arguing the intelligence analyst delivered classified documents to enemy hands by dumping them onto the Internet.
In Detroit, an officer is on trial for involuntary manslaughter for fatally shooting a 7-year-old girl during a raid in 2010 while being filmed for a reality television show.
Students are reporting less bullying in schools and are much less afraid of being physically attacked or harmed. The report also notes a significant increase in police and security cameras at schools over the past 10 years.
Flooding in central Europe has killed at least seven.
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