It seems the TSA has a problem with sticky-fingered agents who like to swipe Apple products, particularly iPads. The latest case in point: at agent at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport is the latest to be charged with stealing traveler's iPads. It's but one example of iPad pilferage by some of our nation's "security" officials.
TSA baggage screener Sean Henry reportedly was caught leaving the airport with two iPads after a joint TSA and Port Authority sting, according to ABC News. Officials used the iPad's own GPS tracking mechanism to keep tabs on the tablet and pinpoint the thief.
Other instances of note: In September, a TSA agent in Florida was caught pilfering an iPad left at a security checkpoint. In July, a Continental Airlines employee caught a TSA worker trying to take an iPad by stashing it in his pants. Not smooth, bro. He was alleged to have sold around $50,000 of stolen gear on Craigslist. And a TSA screener at Dallas-Fort Worth International was arrested in January and found with seven Apple tablets in his possession. One for each day of the week, perhaps?