Tonight's live episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later), keys off of dueling White House remarks today on the Islamic State: President Barack Obama's comments in Estonia, and Vice President Joe Biden's latest "gates of hell" crack. Party Panelists Deroy Murdock (National Review Online contributor) and Jimmy Failla (cabby-turned comedian) will parse. Daily Beast national security reporter Eli Lake will then come on to talk about the various anti-ISIL war plans being cooked up. Completing the foreign policy trifecta, Michael Weiss, of the Russian-media-reading The Interpreter, will give another live report from the ground from Kiev.
Party Panel will return with commentary about the fast-spreading Ebola virus, and about a head-scratching case in Arizona where a man discovered he owed $15,000 in back child support to pay for a child he did not know he fathered with a woman who allegedly raped him when he was 14. Kings County Prosecuting Attorney Daniel Satterberg (read about him in the Reason archive) will talk about Seattle's Law Enforcement Assistance Division (LEAD), which reportedly updates the controversial drug court model to include bypassing punitive drug tests. And the co-hosts will pillory Michelle Obama's die-worthy Funny or Die snack-shaming guest-spot.
Online-only aftershow begins at foxbusiness.com/independents just after 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook at facebook.com/IndependentsFBN, follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, and click on this page for more video of past segments.