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Tonight on <em>The Independents</em>: The Gun Show, Starring Cody Wilson, Geraldo Rivera, David Keen

Tonight on Fox Business Network at 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT (with repeats three hours later), The Independents will produce a special show on the topic of guns. Leading off will be a discussion of mass-shooting events and background checks, featuring Colin Goddard, who describes the awful events at Virginia Tech in 2007, and Reason Senior Editor Damon Root. Next, Washington Times columnist Emily Miller, author of Emily Gets Her Gun: …But Obama Wants to Take Yours, details the arduous process she went through to obtain a handgun in the District of Columbia after suffering a home invasion.

Former National Rifle Association president David Keene talks about the NRA's penchant for blaming shooting events on culture, and deals with a question about marijuana legalization; Kennedy goes shooting with 3-D gun visionary Cody Wilson; NRA member and Fox News personality Geraldo effing Rivera talks about why he's fallen out of love with the gun-rights group, and Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst and columnist Andrew Napolitano will advocate—wait for it!!—legalizing the individual ownership of nuclear weapons.

It's a great episode and you should watch it. Follow the @IndependentsFBN on Twitter, use the hashtag #indFBN, and go to the show website for previous-episode video and more.

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