Ever feel like your country has been at war forever, all over the world, with no particular overarching intelligence behind it all? On last night's episode of The Independents, Kmele Foster reminded us that we're still keeping 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, for whatever reason:
Tonight's installment (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later) continues in the discussion that Americans have already stopped having, namely whether the our new war against the Islamic State is wise, comprehensible, or constitutional. Helping in those deliberations are Party Panelists Dagen McDowell (Fox News correspondent) and Whitney Neal (Bill of Rights Institute person), who will also weigh in on Secret Service Director Julia Pierson's resignation, and the important question of who would be the worst possible president in 2016.

Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call
Radio titan and veterans' rights champion Montel Williams comes on to talk about his impassioned congressional testimony today on behalf of the jailed-in-Mexico Marine vet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, provides some fascinating context for what the Hong Kong protests mean for the world's most populous commie state. Eponymous Fox Business Network host, Reason.com columnist, and American hero John Stossel will preview his Thursday special on scaremongering and our allegedly "meaner" world. Finally, Fox Human Resources tattletale Bernie Maxsmith will read a bunch of mean things that you, dear Reason reader, wrote about our humble television show.
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