Tonight's episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later), starts with party panelists Thaddeus McCotter (guitar-playing former GOP congressman) and Gavin McInnes (Canadian-derived multimedia controversialist) talking about whether American Exceptionalism is as dead as Captain America says it is. The McDuo will also weigh in on concerns over some of the illegal immigrant kids near the Mexican border testing positive for swine flu, and also whether interventionist Republicans like Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) would prefer to see Hillary Clinton instead of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) in the White House.
Cato's Julian Sanchez will discuss the latest Edward Snowden/NSA revelations about snooping surreptitiously through the love letters and private communications of tens of thousands of U.S. citizens; publishing icon and former presidential perennial Steve Forbes will talk trash about the Federal Reserve, the co-hosts will assess what lessons for free speech can be gleaned from Opie and Anthony Show co-host Anthony Cumia getting bounced from SiriusXM after Tweeting nasty things about a woman he claims assaulted him near Times Square, and I'll be tying together two Reason blog posts: Ed Krayewski on video of a California Highway Patrolman repeatedly punching a prone woman in the head, and Ronald Bailey's happier tale of cops and cameras in Rialto, California.
Online aftershow begins on foxbusiness.com/independents just after 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook at facebook.com/IndependentsFBN, follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, tweet during the show & we'll use the cream of the crop. Click on this page for more video of past segments.