Tonight's live episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later) is filled with hot people-on-climate action. Reacting to today's #Flood Wall Street climate-change protest against evil rich corporations are Party Panelists John Tierney (New York Times science writer) and Ellison Barber (Washington Free Beacon writer). The two will also discuss ISIS's latest threat to kill the "spiteful, dirty" French, and the crazy case of the White House fence-jumper (and overreaction thereof).
Continuing on the climate-change theme, we'll run some clips from and commentary about this Kmele Foster/Jim Epstein Reason TV video…
… and then get more reaction to that and this week's crazy global-warming politics in New York from beloved Reason Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey.
We're also not done with ISIS; The Interpreter's Michael Weiss will talk about Turkey's pivotal and contested role in the new war-on-those-guys, and Wall Street Journal multimedia explainer Jason Bellini will use his fancy tools to break down just who these ISIS guys are and how they function. Finally, I'll have some words about Lois Lerner's vomit-inducing interview with Politico.
Online-only aftershow begins at just after 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook at, follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, and click on this page for more video of past segments.