Tonight's live episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT, with repeats three hours later), will start with a discussion of Arizona's controversial Senate Bill 1062, which would allow businesses in the Copper State to discriminate against gays, even though they can totally already discriminate against gays. Chewing on the matter will be party panelists Deroy Murdock of National Review Online and Jehmu Greene of Define American. The two will also square off on the California hedge fund manager reportedly ready to throw $100 million of climate-change money into the U.S. political process, and a petition to get Charles Krauthammer removed from the Washington Post op-ed page for crimes against climate opinionizing.
President Garrett Walker, also known as House of Cards actor Michel Gill, will be on to talk about his show, and cynicism in politics. Young Americans for Liberty Executive Director and former Ron Paul campaign official Jeff Frazee will talk about his political action committee's efforts to influence the 2014 elections. And everyone's (least?) favorite commie, Jesse Myerson, will be on for another Ask a Communist segment, this time with more Venezuela.
Send your tweets to @IndependentsFBN throughout, hashtag #indFBN, and remember to stay tuned for the sexy online-only after show, streamed on the show website just after 10 pm.