Tonight's live episode of Fox Business Network's The Independents, which airs at 9 pm ET and then repeats again at midnight, should be a doozy. First up will be famed entertainer, bullshit-detector, and all-around awesome libertarian Penn Jillette, who will talk about whether the latest New York Times reporting on Benghazi changes the free-speech ramifications of the case. He'll also riff on retail recreational weed going legal this week, and whatever else the hell Penn Jillette wants to talk about.

Next there'll be talk about France's constitutional court approving President Francois Hollande's bright idea about taxing millionaires 75 percent, then a left-right panel of Democratic Party strategist Julie Roginsky Mediaite lacerator Noah Rothman duke it out over dueling NSA court rulings and the cutoff of long-term federal unemployment benefits. Somewhere in there will be a discussion of Russia's pre-Olympics suicide bomb attacks, and then wrapping it all up a neat bow will be none other than Nick Gillespie.
Sounds like fun, right? Send your Twitter reviews to @IndependentsFBN (#independents) and the best ones will be used on air.