Pete Souza
Tonight's live episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, repeats three hours later) will feature a Party Panel of Washington Free Beacon staff writer Lachlan Markay and Newsday columnist Ellis Henican, who will argue about most of the following topics:
* President Barack Obama's big foreign policy commencement address today at West Point, during which he slayed more strawmen than a pyromaniac, implied that the "drone strikes like those we've carried out in Yemen and Somalia" only come "when we face a continuing, imminent threat, and only where there is no certainty—there is near certainty of no civilian casualties," and gave ammunition to just about everybody who does not appreciate his foreign policy.
* Edward Snowden's revelatory NBC interview, and reactions thereof.
* Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's idea to require videotaping of gun sales.
* Adam Sandler's allegedly racially offensive new movie.
Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), no stranger to either The Independents or Reason, then comes on again to discuss The Email Privacy Act, which he has co-sponsored with Reps. Kevin Yoder (R-Kans.) and Tom Graves (R-Ga.), which would require law enforcement to obtain a warrant before scrounging through the six-month-old emails of private citizens. Darin Selnick of Concerned Veterans for America will be on to talk about the damning report released today by the V.A. Inspector General. The co-hosts will have plenty to say about New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's attempt to repeal the city's notorious ferret ban. And did you hear the one about White House officials seeking extra redactions in that drone memo Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) helped pry out of their reluctant hands? Of course you didn't: because David Barron is already safely confirmed, thanks to the Senate votes of alleged civil libertarians who were bought off with the promise of full disclosure.
Aftershow begins on foxbusiness.com/independents when the gong strikes 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook at facebook.com/IndependentsFBN, follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, please tweet like bastards during the show, and click on this page for more video of past segments.