Did the cop-killing rampage of Jerad and Amanda Miller spring from everyday right-wing rhetoric? Was it just the latest example of the "Constant cop-killing, by people who echo the NRA talking points and the conspiracy theories of the Internet wackos"? Did it show how "Fox news has finally yelled fire in a crowded theater"? Or is the political interpretation a bit more complicated than all that?
On tonight's episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, repeats three hours later), we'll start off with some debate on that topic with Party Panelists Mark Hannah (former Kerry/Obama aide) and Deneen Borelli, author of Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation. Those two are also slated to discuss Hillary Clinton's heartbreaking poverty, the GOP's $60 million initiative to reach black voters, plus AirBnB's move into the dinner-party market.
Daily Beast national security reporter Eli Lake (read him in Reason here) will come on to discuss the latest news about Bowe Bergdahl. Known crazy person Michael Malice (read him in Reason here) will talk about the latest U.S. hostage situation: Ohio lawyer Jeffrey Fowle, detained for the crime of having a Bible in his hotel. And Dan Caldwell, issue and legislative campaign manager of Concerned Veterans for America, will talk about the latest V.A. audit.
Aftershow begins on foxbusiness.com/independents a few moments after you say "AAAAGGGHHHH!!!" Follow The Independents on Facebook at facebook.com/IndependentsFBN, follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, tweet like a bastidge during the show & we'll use the best of 'em. Click on this page for more video of past segments.