Tonight's episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later) includes John Stossel wearing (however briefly) a comical 18th-century wig and some kind of weird robe, to promote his show tomorrow about why the Constitution still matters. Do you really need any other come-on?
Ebola is still secreting itself hysterically into the news; we'll attempt to assess some blame for bad planning with Party Panelists Ellis Henican (Newsday columnist) and Lisa Boothe (Republican strategist). The duo will also discuss how every poll is terrible, for everybody. The New York Times last night published a bombshell about how successive administrations hushed up news about the old chemical weapons that U.S. troops discovered (and sometimes suffered from) in Iraq between 2004-2011; we'll have longtime national security reporter Noah Shactman of The Daily Beast on to break down. And the co-hosts will crown our weekly Enemy of Freedom, who will be no surprise to alert Reason readers.
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