Tonight's live episode of The Independents on Fox Business Network (9 pm ET, 6 pm PT, repeats at midnight) will kick off with some dueling Carneys: White House Press Secretary Jay, who spent the day tweeting FACTS about the 5-year-old birthday boy stimulus package, and Washington Examiner columnist Tim, who tends toward a more skeptical view.
GOP Deputy Communications Director Sarah Isgur Flores and progressive communications consultant Christy Setzer will duke it out over Secretary of State John Kerry calling climate change a "weapon of mass destruction," plus NBA great Charles Barkley's interview with President Barack Obama about the Affordable Care Act, and the comments from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) that the Republican Party needs to transform or die.
Also on the show: A demonstration of dumb laws, colleges attempting to ban drinking games, giant horrifying snowballs, and favorite almost-presidents. Send your tweets at #indFBN, and log onto the show website at 10 pm to catch a live-stream of the sexy aftershow!