I will be on San Francisco's Your Call radio show hosted by Rose Aguilar this morning.
"US tax structure and what needs to change. And what does a fair tax structure look like. he US government collects about a quarter of its gross domestic product through taxes. Who's paying the most taxes? Who's not paying taxes?"
Show starts at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time. My hit is supposed to be at 10:20.
Matthew Gardner, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a non-profit, non-partisan think tank that works on state and federal tax policy issues Tim Cavanaugh, the managing editor of Reason.com and a columnist for Reason's print edition. Reason is a libertarian monthly print magazine covering politics and culture Garrett Gruener, founder of Ask.com and a co-founder of Alta Partners, a venture capital firm. He is a member of Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength who are asking for higher taxes for those who make over a million dollars.
"Web Resources" recommended by KALW:
Institute on Taxation and Economic PolicyReason.comPatriotic millionaires for Fiscal Strength Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger, The Nation: Six Rigged Rules Corporations Use to Dodge Taxes Ezra Klein, Washington Post: The taxes Americans really pay, in two graphs JONATHAN WEISMAN, NY Times: In Senate, Republicans Block Debate on 'Buffett Rule'
San Franciscans can get KALW by tuning their Marconi boxes to 91.7 on the FM dial.
All others can Listen Live on the global cybernets.
If you want to be part of today's program, here's the pitch:
It's Tax Day! What would you change about the federal tax system? Are the rich being taxed appropriately? What about corporation loopholes? Join the conversation by calling 1-866-798-8255 (or locally 415-841-4134) or email feedback@yourcallradio.org.
Looking over the topics and the other guests, I'm guessing my own tax policy ideas — free Wesley Snipes, repeal the Sixteenth Amendment, eliminate 12 cabinet-level departments by lottery — will not get much attention. But it should be fun.