A roundup of recent coverage of my book The United States of Paranoia:

• Lewis Lapham interviews me at Bloomberg, and he writes a bit about the book too.
• Dan Rodricks interviews me on Baltimore's NPR outlet.
• Susan Scher interviews me for a podcast called In Other Words. The conversation includes an unexpected detour into the question of whether there is a secret "black government" run by the vice president.
• Edward Ericson, Jr., reviews the book in the Baltimore City Paper. He says some nice things about it and he makes some criticisms too; at times he seems a little confused about what I did or didn't write. I'm particularly puzzled about how he came to claim that I have "nothing to say" about how revelations of government surveillance "might change the calibration about what reasonable people consider 'paranoid.'"
• K. Paul Johnson reviews the book on the History of the Adepts blog. This is the first piece I've seen that focuses on my discussion of Theosophists and kindred mystics.
• Aaron M. Brown reviews the book on the Magic Blue Smoke blog. I enjoyed the phrase "even-handed, almost sympathetic, accounts of various hysterias through the ages."