Not very long ago, even the token gay television character could cause an uproar, and while popular brands may have voiced unequivocal support for some sort of nebulous gay "pride," many avoided staking a position on the controversial political question of same-sex marriage. Today, with the U.S. Supreme Court declaring "the right of same-sex couples to marry" throughout the country, brands from Miller Lite to Maytag were quick to react in support the decision on social media. It all may be a bit hokey and opportunistic, but the extent to which iconicly American brands aren't worried about alienating customers with pro-gay-marriage messages perhaps shows us more than anything that America is ready for marriage equality to be the law of the land. Here's a sampling of brand tweets this morning about the SCOTUS marriage decision:
@MillerLite: As long as you are you, #ItsMillerTime. #LoveWins

@TheMaytagMan: Here's to finding the one who completes you. #SCOTUSMarriage

@Cheerios: And now, no one can tell you otherwise. #LoveWins

?@ChipotleTweets: Homo Estas? Very well, thank you. #LoveWins

@VogueMagazine: LoveWins today:


@CocaCola: It's now official. Love is love is love. #LoveWins


@Macys: From this day forward… #loveislove

@Uber_Ohio: Destination: Love #SCOTUSmarriage #LoveWins

@Motorola: Today #LoveWins and we couldn't be happier—Now everyone can #ChooseLove
