Two weeks ago, I took part in one of the wildest public discussions I and many observers had ever witnessed. It was called "Trump, Pro and Con: The YUGE debate," at the annual libertarian confab FreedomFest, featuring Jeffrey Tucker and I on the "con" side, Dan Mangru and 2008 Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root on the "pro"…and let's just say I've never seen a moderator so aggressively heckled as our own Nick Gillespie.
Root opened with the argument that Trump really understands capitalism, and also fulfills various theories Root has floated in his various books, which are on sale at Amazon. Tucker, one of the most withering anti-Trump voices in the commentariat, unsurprisingly countered that the GOP nominee was a "fascist." And off we were. Highlights include suggested genocide, hysterical shouting, and me calling Root a "dick."
Take a gander:
After watching that ruckus, read my review of Trump's controversial Freedom Fest speech from last year, "The Idiocracy Candidate."