Congress sent a bill to designate the bison the official mammal of the United States of America to the president's desk and, barring one of the strangest vetoes of all time, it will likely achieve that status in the near future.
The largest population of wild bison roam Yellowstone National Park, but the bulk of the U.S. bison population actually are part of commercial herds and are harvested for their meat. And in the not-too-distant future, the majority of wild bison might live on private land.
The American Prairie Reserve is a nonprofit group that wants to establish the largest nature reserve in the lower 48 states, roughly 1.5 times the size of Yellowstone. This would provide land for American wildlife, including wild bison, to thrive, while also respecting the property rights of ranchers and farmers. Its aims accomplish all of this with private funding, some of which comes from the sale of Wild Sky Beef. Take a look at the Reason TV video below to learn more about this massive project.