As part of our 2015 webathon, we're asking readers of to give $250,000 in tax-deductible donations between now and December 8. We're published by the nonprofit Reason Foundation, all gifts are tax deductible, and your support is what allows to keep publishing award-winning libertarian news, commentary, and analysis. Click here for giving levels and more info.
Allow to give three specific examples of what your donations make possible. Below are Reason TV's three most-viewed videos on YouTube as of today.
Founded in 2007 with the help of Drew Carey (who came up with the idea and hosted our early videos, including our great Reason Saves Cleveland series), Reason TV stands alone in producing regular online documentaries, interviews, and viral vids celebrating "Free Minds and Free Markets." Each month over a million people watch our vids on YouTube and Facebook and our work is cited widely across the Internet and even in cases that end up before the Supreme Court.
Here are our top hits:
Originally released in December 2013, the saddest thing about this vid is that IT'S ALL TRUE. The TSA really did ban all this stuff.
Released in August 2014, this video keeps pulling around 60,000 new views a month. It's a great exploration of how zoning and other rules make housing more expensive than it has to be—and less creative too. Bonus impact: The titular hero of the piece told Washington City Paper, "I would never have identified as libertarian going into [the video]…It sort of makes you question, how much is my government helping me?"
Released on April 1, 2014, not only won't you believe this video, but you shouldn't (it's an April Fool's gag, after all). Yet it showcases the main goals of Reason TV (and Reason's journalism more generally): We want to reach new audiences, we want to spread libertarian ideas, and we want to have fun doing it.
I hope you have fun watching these vids.
If you like these videos, please think about supporting Reason during our webathon.
You'll get a write-off, some great swag, and the satisfaction of knowing you're helping to make the world a freer, fairer, and more interesting place.