South Park
Robert Taylor at Policy Mic has a list of "9 Extremely Successful People You Never Knew Were Libertarians". Regular Reason readers should be familiar with all ten (yes, there are ten people on the list of nine people), though some may dispute whether everyone on the list is actually a libertarian. Here are the ten people Taylor highlighted with a relevant Reason item for each. You can decide who belongs and who might not in the comments…
1. Vince Vaughn
Vince Vaughn on Ron Paul and Fountainhead – Brian Doherty
2. Glenn Jacobs, a.k.a. Kane
Kane on Rothbard – FBN's The Independents
3. Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia and Beyond – June 2007 issue of Reason
4. Neil Peart
Matt Welch is a libertarian in good standing even though he doesn't like Peart's drumming
5. Julian Assange
The Age of Easy Leaks – Jesse Walker
6. Kurt Russell
Kurt Russell, Flexible Libertarian – O'Reilly Factor transcript excerpt
7. Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson Endorses Ron Paul – Mike Riggs
8. Drew Carey
9. Trey Parker and Matt Stone
South Park Libertarians – Nick Gillespie & Jesse Walker