Fact: Cary Ball was a convicted felon carrying a loaded gun about 9:45 p.m. April 24.
Fact: Ball, 25, fled from St. Louis police, crashed a car at Cole and Ninth streets near the Edward Jones Dome and ran.
Fact: Ball died after two St. Louis police officers shot him 21 times at Eighth and Carr streets.
Unknown: Why did the observations of multiple witnesses conflict with each other and the officers' account?
Investigators interviewed about a dozen people, with about half saying they saw at least part of the shooting. Some say Ball had a gun in his hand. Some say he was throwing it aside and surrendering. Some say the officers were about six feet from Ball when they opened fire. Some say they were closer.
But no civilian witness reported seeing Ball point the gun at the officers. There is no video of what happened.
h/t Mark Sletten