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Shikha Dalmia on Liberal Duplicity on Obamacare


: joels_photos1 / Foter / Creative Commons

Last week was a bad week for Obamacare. First, a three-judge DC Circuit Court panel ruled against the program in Halbig vs. Sebelius, basically declaring the millions of dollars that the administration had handed out in subsidies through federal exchanges as illegals.

Then, a video surfaced showing that a key architect of Obamacare, MIT's Jonathan Gruber, was completely on board with the plaintiffs' rationale—before he was against it and started calling it "nutty" and "stupid" and "screwy."

Every time Gruber tried to explain his flip-flop, he came across as even more of a liar and an idiot, as Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia explains.

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