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Sequester Was President's Idea, Concedes White House

Is the press corps getting some guts? Are they finally prepared to challenge the President's untruthful assertions on facts that are crucial to understanding policy?

None other than NBC's David Gregory today pressed Obama's chief economic advisor, Gene Sperling, whether his boss told the truth in the third presidential debate that "the sequester is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed." Sperling finally wilted under the pressure of tough questioning to admit that "yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama's plan."

Sperling actually admitted nothing new as I chronicled in my With the Sequester, President Obama Argues With President Obama. Jack Lew, in his confirmation hearings, conceded on February 13 that the sequester originated in the White House. On Tuesday February 19, press spokesman Jay Carney admitted "The sequester was something that was discussed… and as has been reported, it was an idea that the White House put forward."

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