From the press release:
Sen. Rand Paul today unveiled his FY2013 budget, "A Platform to Revitalize America," a plan that would balance the budget in five years, significantly reduce spending, and restore fiscal order to Washington. […] "Americans deserve not only to have the debt reduced, but to have every taxpayer dollar spent more wisely. While Washington continues to spend recklessly and ignore the ever-growing deficit, I am offering a plan that will address this country's looming debt crisis in a truly timely manner—balancing the budget in just five years," Sen. Paul said. "The time has come for a change that will restore fiscal order in this country, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that this happens." "The biggest problem facing the nation right now is the out-of-control spending and borrowing. The Budget Control Act doesn't address the underlying problems, and it's been well over 1,000 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget. I stand behind anyone who is willing to confront this issue through a serious proposal that will put us on the path toward a balanced budget," Sen. Lee said. "This balanced budget makes the commonsense decision that we've got to stop spending more than we're bringing in," said Senator DeMint. "Already, what was once considered unthinkable has occurred: the creditworthiness and economic outlook of the United States of America has been downgraded. This is more than a national embarrassment, it's an indication that the world is losing confidence in America's ability to pay our bills and of our government to change course. This budget shows we can stop the debt crisis, improve our economy, expand freedom, and secure the future for our children and grandchildren."
Watch Nick Gillespie and I interview Rand Paul and then Jim DeMint, below: