Credit: Laurent ERRERA/wikimedia
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing early last Saturday morning local time. So far, there has been no sign of the aircraft and a massive search is underway for the missing plane. The last known position of the aircraft was over the Gulf of Thailand.
The area being searched is vast, and a Colorado-based satellite imaging company is crowdsourcing the search.
From ABC News:
Longmont, Colo.-based DigitalGlobe trained cameras from its five orbiting satellites Saturday on the Gulf of Thailand region where Malaysia flight 370 was last heard from, said Luke Barrington, senior manager of Geospatial Big Data for DigitalGlobe. The images being gathered will be made available for free to the public on a website called Tomnod. Anyone can click on the link and begin searching the images, tagging anything that looks suspicious. Each pixel on a computer screen represents half a meter on the ocean's surface, Barrington told ABC News. "For people who aren't able to drive a boat through the Pacific Ocean to get to the Malaysian peninsula, or who can't fly airplanes to look there, this is a way that they can contribute and try to help out," Barrington said.
Click here to see if you can find any sign of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
Officials have said that the two Iranian men who boarded the missing flight with stolen passports do not have ties to terrorist groups. The Malaysian air force says that the flight changed course before disappearing.