Event: Robin Koerner giving a lecture on “Weapons of Mass Persuasion” Date: July 12th Time: 7:00-10:00PM Venue: Poor David’s Pub Address: 1313 S. Lamar St., Dallas, Texas 75215 Purpose: Learn how to be a better Libertarian communicator!
“The flames of tyranny are engulfing our freedoms. But instead of putting them out, too many of us are content to read books about how to put out fires and then argue about the best way of doing it. As we do so, the flames just grow higher. We need to put down the books, stop arguing, and put out the fire.” – Robin Koerner
Being right is one thing; being persuasive is another. Winning arguments is one thing; winning supporters is another.
Facts, logic and solid argument are not enough. If they were, America would be united in liberty – and everyone would already agree with us.
The truth is that you can’t change minds if you don’t understand how minds are made up.
Robin’s introduction to the Art of Political Persuasion will show you how people form their opinions and how to hack that process; how their current “knowledge” (right or wrong) affects how they hear what you’re saying – and what to do about it; how to avoid zero-sum arguments where the other guy has to lose for you to win – and replace them with an approach that doesn’t raise his cognitive defenses.
The Art of Political Persuasion is the art of winning not just arguments, but supporters for liberty. Join us to begin to master the art.