Following the deadly tornado in Moore, Okla., falling in the midst of a host of political scandals, parody newspaper The Onion offered its usual pointed take, "'Our Thoughts Go Out To Oklahoma,' Says Congressman Mentally Calculating When He Can Bring Up Benghazi Again.'" The "story" was in reference to Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California, noted pursuer of "Fast and Furious" details. His aim is now focused on the Department of State.
And the answer to the Onion's questioning headline comes today. Issa wants everything he can get his hands on. Via The Hill:
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has subpoenaed State Department documents related to the Benghazi talking points, according to a letter sent to Secretary of State John Kerry obtained by The Hill. In the letter, Issa states that the department's release of 100 emails earlier this month was "incomplete." Issa demands that Kerry produce "relevant documents through subpoena. The enclosed subpoena covers documents and the communications related to talking points prepared for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and used by Ambassador Susan Rice during her September 16th, 2012, appearances on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, and CNN." Issa said that the documents released on May 20 did not answer "critical" questions posed by the committee as it investigates what happened during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the aftermath of that terror attack that killed former U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens and three other Americans.
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