We've got Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal demanding clean urine in exchange for welfare benefits (a bad idea that also doesn't work as advertised, but hey, at least the boozers are safe!), North Carolina regulators busting a blogger for praising the paleo diet (an offense that can get you tossed in the clink!), but this month the freakiest controllers come to us from a Brazilian city where public schools have begun tracking thousands of 4-to-14-year-olds with GPS-embedded uniforms. (At least they're not tagging the kiddos' ears!)
Presenting Reason.tv's Nanny of the Month for April 2012: The City of Vitoria da Conquista!
Approximately 80 seconds.
"Nanny of the Month" is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Opening animation by Meredith Bragg.
Go here to watch previous "Nanny of the Month" episodes.
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