In 2002 then-State Senator Barack Obama proclaimed he wasn't against all wars, just "dumb" and "rash" ones.
Nearly three-quarters of Americans, 74 percent, say it is "unwise" to launch unilateral military action against Syria, the latest Reason-Rupe poll finds.
Just 17 percent of Americans say US strikes on Syria without the support of the United Nations and Great Britain would be wise.
Strong majorities of Democrats (66 percent), Republicans (81 percent), and Independents (79 percent), agree that it would be unwise for the US to unilaterally intervene in Syria.
Among the 17 percent who believe unilateral military action in Syria is wise, 61 percent are Democrats, 57 percent are male, and 40 percent are non-white (10 points higher than share of the population).
A quarter of Democrats say it would be wise to take unilateral military action action against Syria, compared to about 11 percent of Republicans and Independents.