* Earthquake in Turkey kills more than 200.
* European debt crisis staggers closer to near-term resolution.
* Tunisia counts up ballots from country's first free election.
* Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) appears on Meet the Press, talking such apparently confounding policy as denationalizing the mortgage industry.
* Speaking of which, President Barack Obama is set to announce new program to aid underwater homeowners.
* "Supercommittee" tasked with reducing the deficit is being super-lobbied.
* WikiLeaks temporarily suspends publishing operations in a fight with credit card companies.
* Washington Post Ombudsman: "I think The Post erred in republishing this story, or at least in the way it did. And when the Kochs complained to The Post after publication, The Post's response wasn't handled well….[T]he story lacked context, was tendentious and was unfair[.]"
Recently at Reason.tv: "The Drug War in Guatemala: A Conversation with Giancarlo Ibarguen."