The Reason Media Awards, presented in New York City in November and organized by Reason Foundation, honor filmmakers and journalists who are advancing the principles of free minds and free markets by educating their readers about individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law.
The Reason Video Prize honors short-form online videos that that explore, investigate, or enrich libertarian beliefs in individual rights, limited government, and human possibilities.
The Bastiat Prize for Journalism honors writers from around the globe who explain the importance of freedom with originality, wit, and eloquence.
First prize in each contest is $10,000; second prize is $5,000; and third prize is $1,000.
The annual Reason Media Awards dinner will be held in New York City on Novemer 10, 2014. We will present the second annual Lanny Friedlander Prize, given to an individual or group who has created a publication, medium, or distribution platform that vastly expands human freedom by increasing our ability to express ourselves, engage in debate, and generate new ways of understanding the power of "Free Minds and Free Markets."
The first honorees were Jane Metcalfe and Louis Rossetto, the co-founders of Wired magazine.