As Baylen Linnekin reports, not only are the usuals mocking NYC Mayor Bloomberg's plan to ban large-size sugary drinks, but also New York City Democratic mayoral candidate Christine Quinn, writer and healthy-food advocate Bettina Siegel, Jon Stewart, Jake Tapper, Matt Lauer, and The New York Times' editorial page.
Like these public intellectuals, the public also opposes such a ban. Rasmussen found 65 of Americans oppose a law that would ban the sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 ounces; 24 percent favor such a law. When asked about the constitutional authority to enact such a law, 9 percent think Bloomberg does have the authority to prevent people from buying sugary drinks, while 85 percent disagree.
Virtually all major demographic groups Rasmussen identified oppose the sugary-drinks ban in equal proportion. The only divergence appears for party identification. Forty-one percent of Democrats favor a ban and 45 percent oppose, in contrast 11 percent of Republicans favor and 80 percent oppose.
Click here for Rasmussen's methodology and question wording.