When it comes to launching U.S. military action across the globe, 47 percent of Americans say the "political establishment in Washington D.C." is more likely to favor military action than they themselves are.
A majority of Independents, 57 percent, and women, 52 percent, believe D.C. insiders are more likely to favor war than they are. Women are 10 points more likely than men to say the political establishment is more inclined toward war.
Just 17 percent of Americans say the Beltway establishment is less likely to favor military action than they are.
Thirty percent think the D.C. establishment favors war about the same amount as the public.
Americans with higher levels of education are also more likely to say the D.C. establishment favors war more than they do, with 58 percent of post-graduates compared to 42 percent of those with high school diplomas believing the establishment favors war more.
Majorities of Americans identified as leaning libertarian and conservative, or fiscal conservatives, are more likely than Americans who lean liberal or communitarian to perceive the D.C. establishment as more apt to go to war.