Conor Friedersdorf continues his (alas, probably pretty futile) attempt to get fans of President Obama to wake the hell up! at The Atlantic:
Yes, President Obama has broken the law on multiple occasions. Despite clearly stating, in a 2008 questionnaire, that the commander-in-chief is not lawfully empowered to ignore treaties duly ratified by the Senate, Obama has willfully failed to enforce the torture treaty, signed by Ronald Reagan and duly ratified by the Senate, that compels him to investigate and prosecute torture….
Photo credit: Chuckumentary / / CC BY-NC-SA
Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval…. Has he ordered the assassination of any American citizens in secret without due process? Did he kill any of their teenage kids without ever explaining how or why that happened? Has he refused to reveal even the legal reasoning he used to conclude his targeted killing program is lawful? Has he waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers? Has he spied on millions of innocent Americans without a warrant or probable cause? Does he automatically count dead military-aged males killed by U.S. drones as "militants"? Did he "sign a bill that enshrines in law the previously merely alleged executive power of indefinite detention without trial of terror suspects"?…. Yes. He. Has.
Friedersdorf on why Obama fans should have considered Gary Johnson in 2012.