One of the sure markers of the paranoid mind is the urge to keep lists. In particular, lists of enemies, subversives, no-goodniks; the pestilential nuisances, as Sir W.S. Gilbert famously put it, who never would be missed. It virtually goes without saying that the keepers of such lists are always the bullies who survive by fomenting hatred and making sure that their constituents stay in a state of constant agitation. And so it was no surprise to learn over the weekend, via Josh Marshall, that the National Rifle Association has a little list of 497 people and organizations who are in some way, shape, or form anti-gun. …
Conservative readers will have started in that last paragraph muttering about Obama's "enemies list." This, if you've never heard about it, is a story or a series of stories right-wingers made up last year because an Obama campaign website listed the names of eight men who were donating large amounts of money to anti-Obama efforts.