I just appeared on HuffPostLive in a segment hosted by Alyona Minkovski. We talked about the NSA, Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, et al; Janet Yellin at the Fed; whether Obama is controlling the media; and why establishment liberals and conservatives are freaking out that progressives, right-wingers, and libertarians are coming together over issues of national security, government overreach, drug legalization, and more.
Need to go beyond the political headlines for analysis and insights? Get your fix with our Political Junkies. Today, our panel discusses the intersection of liberalism, libertarianism and the security state in light of Snowden and Wikileaks. Hosted by:
Alyona Minkovski Guests:
Jesselyn Radack @JesselynRadack (Washington, DC) National Security & Human Rights Director at Government Accountability Project
Kade Crockford @onekade (Boston, MA) Director of the Technology for Liberty Project at the ACLU of Massachusetts
Nick Gillespie @nickgillespie (Washington, DC) Editor in Chief of Reason.com and Reason.tv
Rick Ungar @RickUngar (New York, NY) Forbes Contributor