Last week, we warned of the impending "Million Puppet March," a pro-public-broadcasting and anti-Mitt Romney demonstration whose goal "is to preserve the inalienable right of Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Ira Glass, and other folks to receive federal subsidies that are simultaneously so small as to be meaningless and so vast as to be irreplaceable." Click here to see the saddest pumpkin in the whole wide world.
The protest happened yesterday and drew "hundred" of folks, many clad in Sesame Street-themed garb. The semi-inspired chant, "El-Mo, We Won't Go!" rang through the air. "We're just making it clear that public media matters and it's something that we want to see supported and we still want to see federal funding of," said one of the organizers.
Of course, all media is "public media," in that it wants to be consumed by an audience larger than the people who create it. But never mind. Here's some pics from Buzz Feed to goggle at like a muppet.