Baby-faced statist and United States Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters today that his colleagues in Congress need to get behind Obama's targeted killing program, and protect the president from "libertarians and the left." Politico reports:
"Every member of Congress needs to get on board," Graham said. "It's not fair to the president to let him, leave him out there alone quite frankly. He's getting hit from libertarians and the left. "I think the middle of America understands why you would want a drone program to go after a person like Anwar al-Awlaki," Graham added. "The process of being targeted I think is legal, quite frankly laborious and should reside in the commander in chief to determine who an enemy combatant is and what kind of force to use." "If this ever goes to court I guarantee you it will be a slam dunk support of what the administration is doing. I think one of the highlights of President Obama's first time and the beginning of his second term is the way he's been able to use drones against terrorists."
It's odd that Graham would mention this "going to court," as the leaked DOJ white paper that everybody's talking about explicitly says, "[T]here exists no appropriate judicial forum to evaluate these constitutional questions." Oh well! Graham will put his money where his mouth is by introducing a resolution next week commending Obama's murder of a 16-year-old boy.