White House
American teenagers are rebelling against federal government lunch regulations, and the sarcastic Twitter label #ThanksMichelleObama is their rallying cry.
According to many kids, U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements supported by First Lady Obama—whose main issue is fighting childhood obesity—have driven schools to craft lunch menus that are even more disgusting and meager than before. Some complain that portions are inadequate for student-athletes, while others say the options are just plain yucky.
Students are sharing pictures of their lunches on Twitter under #ThanksMichelleObama. Check out some examples below.
Submitted by Hunter Whitney:
Submitted by Jess Sency:
Submitted by Lauren Talley:
School lunches have been atrocious since the beginning of time, so it's not really all FLOTUS's fault. But the new regulations certainly aren't making things better. Kids would be best served by Reason contributor Baylen Linnekin's suggestion to "Separate School Lunch and the State" entirely.
More from Linnekin here.
Hat tip: BuzzFeed