Matt Welch
Who has 10 weirdly long fingers and wants to argue with Kmele Foster about the propriety of using race as a way to talk about criminal injustice? Not this guy, but rather that gal: Reason's own beloved Editor in Chief, Katherine Mangu-Ward.
KMW filled in this week for the ever-elusive Michael C. Moynihan on The Fifth Column, your favorite non-Reason podcast. Discussion, unsurprisingly, touched on a number of pieces published here, including the "listicle" "9 Lessons from the Trump/NFL Anthem Wars," "Health Care Costs Are the Reason You're Not Getting a Raise," "We Need to Talk About Black Students Being Accused of Rape Under Title IX," "Debt Denialists," and much more. Along the way we also tackle tech panics, tax reform, and Go-Go music, not necessarily in that order. You can listen to the whole caboodle here:
Don't forget that on Saturdays you can listen to an hour-long version of The Fifth Column on Sirius XM POTUS (channel 124) at 11 a.m. ET and then again at midnight. More also available at iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play,, @wethefifth, and Facebook.