Over the weekend, this image of Vice President Joe Biden has been tearing up Twitter, provoking an endless stream of funny, abusive, and demeaning captions from a trans-partisan crew of folks. Finally: America is coming together. Thanks, Joe!
Courtesy of the Wash Post, here are some highlights:
Popehat @PopehatI don't give a damn what Lucas says. Han shot first. I saw it with my own eyes.6:40 PM—7 Dec 2014
Jamelle Bouie @jbouie "I shall never sleep calmly again when I think of the horrors that lurk ceaselessly behind life in time & in space." 10:42 PM—7 Dec 2014
Matt O'Brien @ObsoleteDogma "Barack promised that I'd get to pardon the turkey this year" 11:31 PM—7 Dec 2014
Reason's own Jesse Walker offered up this gem: "Weird place for a urinal."
Add your own captions in the comments below.
And while we're on the subject of Joe Biden, here's Reason TV's Christmas video featuring the irascible plagiarist front and center: