Sin Amigos / photo on flickr
Turns out that it's not so easy to hire a crack team of programmers and hackers if you're ruling out everyone who has smoked pot in the last three years.
The Wall Street Journal reports on a tricky personnel policy problem for the FBI, which has received congressional authorization to hire 2,000 new employees to combat cyber crime. At a conference this week in Manhattan, FBI Director James Comey didn't mince words:
I have to hire a great work force to compete with those cyber criminals and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview.
Comey said the FBI was "grappling with the question right now" of what to do about the pot problem, which will only get bigger as recreational use is legalized in additional states and the number of medical marijuana users who would otherwise be fit for service grows. The solution seems pretty clear, but maybe I'm just used to working with stoners. (Reason is hiring, by the by.)
Related: The Department of Defense may have to choose between pot smokers or those who are too fat to fight.