Tom Bell, a legal scholar with his hands in the development of plans for what used to be called in various forms "free cities" or "charter cities" and are now called by those involved "start up cities," reported today on the Facebook page for the "Voice and Exit" group dedicated to those ideas that Honduras has officially published the newest law allowing for such zones–free in certain respects from regulations that stymie that rest of the country.
A link to the Voice and Exit Facebook page, for Facebookers. Bell included a link to what is said to be the official Honduran publication of the law, which Bell says two Honduran sources have verified did happen.
Back before the people involved started using the term "start-up city," I wrote of the history of the idea so far in Honduras in Reason's June issue. The official re-approval of the idea (which had previously passed but been scotched by Honduran courts) happened in June.
A Reason.TV interview from August with Bell on start up cities: