Los Angeles City Council leaders have voted 14-0 in favor of endorsing the internationally led "Meatless Mondays" campaign. Now every Monday will be a so-called Meatless Monday in the city, with the Council urging residents to participate and embrace vegetarianism once a week.
Councilwoman Jan Perry, who also supports the banning of new fast food restaurants in South Los Angeles, said the new resolution is just one part of a new "good food" agenda for the city.
"We can reduce saturated fats and reduce the risk of heart disease by 19 percent," Perry reportedly told the Los Angeles Daily News. "While this is a symbolic gesture, it is asking people to think about the food choices they make. Eating less meat can reverse some of our nation's most common illnesses."
Government official in California have a history of pushing strict food policies in the name of public health. In 2008 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill to remove all trans fats from the state's restaurants and retail baked goods. In 2010 the state prohibited fast food chains from giving out toys with their children's meals if they contained over a specified amount of calories. In 2011, many South Los Angeles cities effectively banned the opening of new fast-food outlets by enacting tougher regulations designed to encourage healthier dining options.
Back in July the Department of Agriculture (USDA) came under fire for supporting the Meatless Monday campaign. Farmers and ranchers unions such as the Cattlemen's Association complained that supportive polices vilified the American meat industry by encouraging the opinion that "animal agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gases and climate changes" and that it also "wastes resources." Following complaint the USDA were forced to remove any endorsements of the Meatless Monday initiative.
The new Los Angeles resolution does not have the force of law behind it, meaning that "neither city officials nor law enforcement will be allowed to force residents to not eat meat."
Reason TV on past LA food police offences: